KCIS Guitar music show: The beauty of guitar music styles and the history behind them.
Andrew Pan
The beauty of guitar music styles and the history behind them. To demonstrate each kind of guitar styles, the basic history of each style and the guitarists that represent each style. In addition, I'm going to demonstrate every style by using my guitar. Global Context(s): Personal and cultural expression What are the different kinds of style of guitar and the basic history of these styles. Criteria Form - What will it look like? -Many songs which represent different kinds of style -7 podcasts that present the history and the guitarist of each style of guitar music. -There would be 1 episode
Catégories: Arts
Écoutez le dernier épisode:
Episode 7 Acoustic Guitar
I can’t believe we’re about to end today's episode, I’ll miss everybody so much!!!!
To thank u guys, I'll be teaching one of my favorite fingerstyle songs: Lemon from Japanese songwriter Kenshi Yonezu.
Tab: https://stevehansenyt.weebly.com/uploads/4/1/5/4/41543939/lemon_kenshi_yonezu.pdf
Épisodes précédents
7 - Episode 7: KCIS Guitar Show--- Acoustic Mon, 24 Feb 2020
6 - Episode 6: KCIS Guitar Show--- R&B Mon, 24 Feb 2020
5 - Episode 5: KCIS Guitar Show--- Jazz Sun, 23 Feb 2020
4 - Episode 4: KCIS Guitar Show--- Rock Sat, 22 Feb 2020
3 - Episode 3: KCIS Guitar Show--- Blues Tue, 28 Jan 2020
2 - Episode 1: KCIS Guitar Show--- Fingerstyle Sun, 26 Jan 2020
1 - Episode 2: KCIS Guitar Show--- Country Sun, 26 Jan 2020